We never thought you could make a spring roll any better than the ones you grab from your local takeaway. You know the ones that you normally inhale before cooling down resulting in delicious lava taking multiple layers of skin off the roof of your mouth... Well... Strap yourselves in because Liam Barker of Barkers BBQ is about to blow your mind! Enjoy
High Fat Burger Mince
American Cheese (cut into thin strips)
Spring Roll Pastry (you can find this in the freezer section near the puff pastry)
Lane’s BBQ Southbound Sauce
Pickles (Diced)
Peanut Oil (can be substituted for Canola)
1. Roll your high fat mince into 80-100g balls and set aside.
2. Grab a cast iron skillet or your flat top grill, add a splash of oil and get it super hot.
3. Place the mince ball in the skillet, salt generously and smash and smear as flat as you can. Get the edges nice and thin too.
4. WAIT! Let it brown properly on the underside for at least 90 seconds. You may be tempted to flip it but this is key to getting that smash burger texture and flavour. In a way, you’re scorching one side, then flipping it onto the other for 30 seconds or less, just to seal the bottom. You have to give the crust time to form.
5. Smash as many as needed, 4 smash burgers made 7-8 spring rolls. Let them cool slightly and roughly chop them up
6. Grab a sheet of spring roll pastry and lay it out with a corner facing you. It should look like a diamond not a square.
7. Just south of the centreline start with a layer of chopped smash burger, a thin line of ketchup, a thin line of Lane’s BBQ Southbound, some diced pickle and top with a strip or
2 of American Cheese.
8. Roll up the corner closest to you and tuck it under, fold over the left and right edges and roll up neatly. After 1 or 2, you’ll have this nailed.
9. Heat up the same skillet with all that delicious beef fat and add oil, enough to take it up to a centimetre deep of oil in it and heat to 350F/180C.
10. Shallow fry the spring rolls for 1-2 mins per side and keep a close eye on them, they don’t need very long and can burn easily.
11. Once they have that familiar golden brown colour, take them out and let them sit on a wire rack for a minute or 2.
12. And finally…...TUCK IN!
Photos and recipe by Liam Barker aka @barkersbbq